Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chronicles of a High School Student: The Orchestra, the Coffee, and the Midterm

Despite past thoughts on how I thought this week was GOING to go, I can say I was completely wrong. For the record, that is absolutely a good thing.

List of reasons as to why I thought this week was going to suck:

1. I thought my life was slowly spiraling downwards
2. I thought our orchestra was going to be a hot mess at tonight's concert (sorry, but it's true, guys).
3. I have a freaking mid-term in AP Gov Thursday, among a multitude of other tests. FML.

List of things that actually didn't turn out as bad as I thought they would:

1. My life is actually climbing, maybe not rapidly, but I'm for sure moving upwards.
2. Our orchestra wasn't that bad today, and we weren't a hot mess. Winning.

List of things that I still think will suck:
1. Midterm midterm midterm. I finally got an A in AP Gov and I can slowly see it spiraling downwards. Oh dear.

I've reached a solution, though. I'm going to focus on the good things that happen this week.

Today, for instance, was a spectacular day.

For starters, it was late start Tuesday, which means I got to sleep in, so I wasn't half as cranky in the morning as I usually am. On top of that, my classes weren't that difficult today, which was a god-given miracle in itself (did I actually get an A on my government test? Whaaaaa'?). To further add on to things, I only worked for like a half hour because they didn't need me, and then I got to enjoy making music with the school orchestra and go with friends to get coffee afterwards.

Today was pretty much stellar, and at this point (which is about 10:15 at night, so maybe I'm just suffering from sleep deprivation, because this is late for me on a weekend) I'd be hard pressed to let anything ruin it, so I'm going to tackle these next three days head on and make the best of it, and kick this mid-term in the butt. Cheers to optimism.


My friend Jessyka Vernickas is doing a Zombie Walk, here are some details.

Date: October 27th
Time: 7 - 9 on the track at Liberty High School

Cost is three dollars to get in OR a donation of three non-perishable foods. The money will be donated to the Special Olympics, and the food will be donated to Harvesters. 

This is a really good cause, and I think it would be super awesome if we could get as many people to participate and donate as possible. If you have any questions, I would talk to Jessyka, because this is her project. 

Tyler, out.

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